Trámites Migratorios
Profesionales en Asesoría Migratoria en Cancún. Te ayudamos a tramitar tu Visa de residencia, pasaportes, gestión para empresas en temas migratorios.
Profesionales en Asesoría Migratoria en Cancún. Te ayudamos a tramitar tu Visa de residencia, pasaportes, gestión para empresas en temas migratorios.
The migratory residence or the stay condition is the way the mexican government gives a document named “Resident Card” expired to every foreigner that wants to stay in Mexico on a regular basis. The legal bases for the migratory residence, or the stay condition, is regulated by the “Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos”, “Ley General de Procedimiento Administrativo”, “Ley de Migración”, “Reglamento de la Ley de Migración, “Lineamientos para Trámites y Procedimientos Migratorios”, and the “Ley Orgánica del Servicio Exterior Mexicano”.
You can check the complete Guide to Obtain Visas, Residences in Mexico and Immigration
There are different types of staying condition as you can see in the “Guide to obtain Mexican Visas, Temporary and Permanent Residences in Mexico”, every document has their own specific condition of expedition and it has to be solicited in the correct way according to the specific migratory situation of the foreigner. In further texts we will analyze each type of document, however for this article we will check the residence card or existing conditions of stay:
Request for authorization to work by a temporary resident
It is important to mention: it exists as a slang or a memory for the old migratory laws, for the terms FM1, FM2 and FM3, the ones that do not exist anymore in the new migratory law. We mention them in this article to inform and explain the correct conditions for staying in Mexico. If someone tries to cheat on a foreigner and it is totally ignorant of the law, they will use these terms in order to convince them. Information is power and if you are well prepared for this information, it will be harder for any scammer to fool you and ruin your pacific staying in this beautiful country named Mexico.
Contact us and we will be pleased to assist you or even make the whole documentation for you.
If you want a free migratory assessment send us a Whatsapp: