Trámites Migratorios
Profesionales en Asesoría Migratoria en Cancún. Te ayudamos a tramitar tu Visa de residencia, pasaportes, gestión para empresas en temas migratorios.
From time to time the National Immigration Institute in Mexico promotes the regularization of those foreigners who for some reason stayed in Mexico. This program was published in 2021 and has undergone some modifications. In 2025 it is still valid and we will tell you the requirements.
The above, enforcing the update to the National Registry of Foreigners, whose fundamental principle is the recognition of the rights acquired by foreigners, either because they have roots or family, work or business ties in Mexico and have generated a series of rights. and commitments from their daily coexistence in Mexico.
Thus, the National Migration Institute (INM) updates the National Registry of Foreigners, regularizing those who had an immigration document, either as a visitor or temporary resident.
1.- Have entrances to Mexico by plane in 2023 or before.
2.- Have an immigration document issued and expired before or during 2024.
Although each representation has some variations, the basic requirements are as mentioned above.
You will get 4 years temporary residence and after this 4 years, you can get the permanent residence. This is very good program, and if you are in this condition, you can get it. Contact us to analyze your situation and provide you an advise.
First of all, consider that this program is only for people who ever entered Mexico by plane before January 1, 2024.
a) If you have stayed in Mexico since that date, you have the opportunity to regularize yourself.
b) If after that entry in 2023, you left Mexico and returned by plane or by land and you currently have an expired immigration document that may be a visitor/tourist FMM or temporary resident card, You have the opportunity to regularize yourself.
It is having exceeded the number of days that the INM granted me to remain as a Temporary Resident, Permanent Resident and as a tourist.
If your case is that you entered as a tourist and the days granted to you have ended, whether you have the FMMD or not, you can regularize yourself with this program.
Contact us for advice on obtaining Temporary Residence for 4 years if you meet these requirements. And if not, we surely have other options for you.
Guide to Financial Requirements for Mexican Residency in 2025
Solicita una asesoría para temas migratorios: +52 9982029043
Contact us for immigration issues (English): +52 9981253810
W.App English: https://wa.me/529981253810