Permanent Residence in Mexico for having a Mexican son.

Permanent Residence in Mexico for having a Mexican son.
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How to obtain permanent residence if I have a Mexican child?

The family bond is one of the ways in which you can regularize your immigration status if you are irregular or are a tourist, even if you have temporary residence, by having a Mexican child, you can obtain Permanent residence.

You can check the complete Guide to Obtain Visas, Residences in Mexico and Immigration

For what reasons can you apply for Permanent Residence in Mexico?

  1. Link with Mexican:
  • If the applicant has a Mexican child.
  • If the applicant is the child of the spouse of a Mexican, as long as she is a girl, boy or adolescent and has not married or is in a state of interdiction and is under her legal representation.
  • There are also other ways to obtain permanent residence:
  1. Link with a foreigner who has the status of permanent resident (permanent resident card):
  • If the applicant has a foreign child with the status of permanent resident, prove: original and copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  • If the applicant has a foreign father or mother with the status of permanent resident, as long as she is a girl, boy or adolescent and has not married or is in a state of interdiction and is under legal representation.
  • If the applicant is the child of the spouse of a foreigner with the status of permanent resident.


Do you need to register your baby born in Mexico in Cancun and subsequently obtain Permanent Residence? contact us!

You need to register your baby born in Mexico in Cancun, contact us!

It is important that you know that all advice generates a cost.

Contact us for immigration issues (English): +52 9981253810 

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