Mexican Nationality by Mexican Parents

Mexican Nationality by Mexican Parents
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It is very easy to obtain Mexican Nationality if one of your parents is Mexican.

If you were born abroad, it is possible to obtain Mexican Nationality through Mexican parents

How can I obtain Mexican Nationality?

  • Any person born in Mexican territory has Mexican nationality, regardless of the nationality of his or her father or mother.
  • People born abroad to a Mexican father or Mexican mother (or both Mexican ancestors)
  • People born abroad, daughters of a Mexican father by naturalization or a Mexican mother by naturalization (or both people of Mexican descent by naturalization).
  • Since 1998, the Mexican Nationality Law allows Mexican people to have another nationality in addition to Mexican.

You can check the complete Guide to Obtain Visas, Residences in Mexico and Immigration

Birth registry

  • By obtaining Mexican nationality you do not lose your US citizenship; If you were born in the United States or some other country and your mother is Mexican and/or father is Mexican, you also have access to Mexican nationality.

Requirements for birth registration:

  • Birth certificate of the interested person Apostilled or Legalized according to the country of origin
  • Identification of the interested person
  • Birth certificate of the Mexican ancestor
  • Valid official identification

By recovering your Mexican nationality you do not lose your US nationality or that of the country where you were born (with some exceptions).

Having two or more nationalities means that the person can enjoy all the rights of each of the countries. This way, they can decide where they want to live, study or work.

Contact us for advice on obtaining the Mexican certificate if you are a foreigner but have a Mexican mother or father. We manage the entire procedure if you also require it.

Contact us if you need your dual nationality!

It is important that you know that all advice generates a cost.

Contact us for immigration issues (English): +52 9981253810 

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Asesoría en temas migratorios: +52 9982029043


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