Can Foreigners get Married in Mexico?

Can Foreigners get Married in Mexico?
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In Mexico, the only marriage recognized as legal is a civil marriage. Those who also wish to get married in a religious ceremony can do so, keeping in mind that religious marriage does not in any way replace civil marriage.

What do I need to marry a Mexican citizen?

A civil wedding celebrated in Mexico is legally valid in the United States and other countries.

We take care of scheduling your wedding urgently, coordinating and managing everything so that the wedding takes place quickly and easily without any problems.

We help you carry out your wedding procedure with a foreigner in Cancun.

If my partner is a foreigner, does he or she need to be a resident in Mexico to be able to get married?

The spouses do not need to be residents in Mexico; However, they must identify themselves with valid passports.

You can check the complete Guide to Obtain Visas, Residences in Mexico and Immigration

Can two foreigners get married in Mexico?

Of course, it is possible to marry two foreigners in Cancun Mexico. Contact us to explain the process and quote you.

Is it necessary to present a divorce decree or proof of singleness for a wedding in Cancun?

In Cancun, it is not necessary for people who have been married to previously present proof of the termination of that marriage, with a Death Certificate or a Divorce Decree or Proof of single status. However, in other cities and states of Mexico, it is necessary to present the corresponding documents.

If I want to use my certificate for another country, is that marriage certificate valid?

After the marriage is celebrated, the Civil Registry delivers the Marriage Certificate and we take care of apostilling or legalizing the Marriage Certificate to be used in another country.

Requirements for a civil wedding with a foreigner in Cancun

  1. Marriage application forms according to the format of the Civil Registry where the ceremony will take place.
  2. Prenuptial Analysis and Medical Certificate issued by an official body that documents the blood type of the couple and proves that they do not have chronic diseases or diseases without viable treatment, as well as contagious or hereditary diseases. As the validity of this document is 15 days, it must be issued in those days prior to the wedding for it to have legal validity.
  3. Official identifications of both and witnesses.
    When you have your wedding with us, we take care of all the procedures, you only arrive one day before to carry out the prenuptial tests and medical certificates and the next day we have the civil wedding.
  4. Search for Delinquent Food Debtors: It is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out anywhere in the country, including foreigners who have never lived in Mexico. It takes between 7 and 10 days.

Contact us to schedule your Wedding in Cancun urgently. We also help you with the apostilled or legalized.

Contact us for immigration issues (English): +52 9981253810 


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